Driver’s Permit:
Students no longer need 8th grade reading scores to obtain a driver’s permit. Students are still required to have a letter signed by the school saying they are enrolled. This form needs to be requested no more than two weeks before a student is going to obtain their permit. Students may request this form from Mrs. Taron (HS office) or Mrs. Ingmire (Counseling Office). This form may take up to two business days to complete. Please ensure that your student is requesting this form in advance.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application:
Free and Reduced lunch forms can be returned to the high school office or emailed directly to Child Nutrition at If you DO NOT want to provide your income, put “9999” and “weekly” for earnings.
If signed, this form allows Bethel High School to remove all avenues of communication information to the military. When Branches of the Military request student demographic information, it will be released without this form on file.